Okay, so I haven't posted in a while. Quite a while. Let me explain....
I was injured, and truthfully, I have been EXTREMELY put out by it. I injured my right ankle. I'm really unsure exactly how it happened initially, but while running with my son, it was made much much worse. So, I went to doctor (alright, I admit - it was 3 days later) and had it x-rayed. The doctor said that nothing showed up on the x-ray, but he thought it was a stress fracture. I told him that I am a group fitness instructor, personal trainer, and am currently training for fitness competition. Not to mention the four kids and husband. That meant I was on my feet pretty much ALL THE TIME. He told me to get an ankle brace (which I did), and to baby it for 4-6 weeks. Yeah, right.
I explained to him that I was supposed to run in a 15K with my son, and it was his first big race. I mean, really, how could I not run? "Sorry, son, I can't run with you in the race because I'm a weenie." I don't think so, Mr. Doctor Man. The doctor looked at me, sighed, then shook his head.
He said, "You are just like my wife. She injured herself in pretty much the same way right before* a half marathon. Basically, i told her that she could run the race, but be ready to be in a LOT of pain for next few days."
Then he gave me a prescription for some steroids for the inflammation (which actually worked pretty good), told me to take 4 Advil 3 times a day. Probably I was supposed to go back, but I haven't.
All that being said, I have been discouraged. I have slowed down quite a bit (by my standards), and have had to modify just about everything to do with lower body. Walking lunges were almost impossible for a couple of weeks, and I could only do them with body weight only. No extra weight. I'm just now starting to add the weight back in on those. And no running. Drives. Me. Crazy.
Running is my Prozac. It keeps me sane. It helps me to keep everything together in my head. I've solved countless problems in my head during my runs. I plug in my headphones and zone out and zone in all at the same time. So, yes - to say I've missed it is an understatement.
However, during this time, I have made some really good progress. I have some good definition starting to appear in my arms and shoulders. Even my back is starting to come together. I went from 134lbs to 127lbs, plus put on quite a bit of muscle. You know you're doing well when your trainer takes a picture of you, then tells you to post it on his FB page because it "looks badass." So, maybe this is a lesson? Less is more in some cases? Maybe.
I'm thrilled with my progress the last couple of weeks. My trainer says that I am about 12 weeks out, and that we are about to get intense. I'm ready. I'm tired of being gimpy. Game face on. Let's work.
*Side Note: Why is it that all injuries happen right before an important race? Seriously!!!!
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