Sunday, January 27, 2013

My Wonderful Family

I know everyone thinks their family is wonderful, and they are right.
However, I think mine is more than wonderful - it's amazing!!!
My husband (of almost 18 years) has been so supportive of this whole business.  My kids think that it's funny when I come home from the gym exhausted and sore.  Not in a "make fun of Mom" kind of way, but they think I've gone a little bit nuts.  My 14 year old and I have "gun shows" showing off our biceps trying to see whose is bigger.  He still wins at this point.
I spend a small fortune on supplements, food, and training sessions - all the while my husband doesn't blink an eye.  He has actually been looking at all the shoes and competition suits online with me and not made one wise crack or joke about them, which is a miracle in and of itself. 
I can't eat what they are eating at meal times anymore, but I do try to work my meals in at the same time so we can eat as a family (honestly, those don't happen often except on the weekend).  They don't make me feel guilty about it.  In fact, they have been great about it.

Truthfully, if I didn't have them backing me, I wouldn't be able to do this.  I am truly amazed at how much they are willing to go through for this crazy goal of mine.

All that being said, my husband has reaped quite a few benefits out of this whole deal.  I catch him checking me out quite bit here lately.  He told me the other day that I am in the best shape that he has ever seen, and I have known him since I was 17 years old.  He's never had a wife that had butt before, and he likes it. :)

In short, my family loves me so much that they are willing to happily out up with all of this mess.  I just hope that I can, in turn, make them proud.

Question of the day:
Does your family support you in your fitness goals or not?  If not, how do you manage to keep working to accomplish them?

Workout Log

I have bumped up my lifting to six days a week now.  So, I'm lifting Monday-Saturday with Sunday being a rest day.  I'm hitting the most important areas twice a week along with trying to lift heavier.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Lazy Day

Today is kind of a lazy day. 

It's Saturday, and even though I went to the gym today to workout (and teach my class), I really haven't done that much since then.  Oh, you know, I've done the usual everyday stuff.  I've done some laundry and washed dishes (when you've got six people in the house those chores are never done).  But, really, I've been pretty nonproductive.  Truthfully, it's been kind of nice.  I don't get many days like this, and I am enjoying this one.  I think later on, we are going to all watch a movie together. If, that is, all six of us can agree on which one to watch. :)

Do you ever take a break? Either in the gym or at home? 

Today's Workout

20 min stairclimber intervals


Machine Seated Hip Abduction*
Set 1 - 20 reps @ 110lb
Set 2 - 20 reps @ 125lb
Set 3 - 20 reps @ 140lb
Set 3 - 20 reps @ 155lb

Machine Seated Hip Adduction*
Set 1 - 20 reps @ 65lb
Set 2 - 20 reps @ 80lb
Set 3 - 20 reps @ 95lb
Set 3 - 20 reps @ 95 lb

Pulley Machine Standing Straight Leg Kickbacks
3 sets - 20 reps @ 60lb (each leg)

Hyper Extensions
4 sets - 15 reps (body weight only)

60 min Zumba Toning class


Friday, January 18, 2013


Yesterday, I had to get on the scale so we could get a "starting weight."

I really, really hate getting on a scale. Honestly, most women don't appreciate them very much.  I mean, seriously, who was the sick and twisted person (probably a man) that invented the home scale? Do we need it? What purpose does it serve, other than driving women all over the world completely crazy? Or is it just me?

The smart part of my brain knows that scales are not the problem, but the slightly cracked part of me (which wins the fight to the surface sometimes) would just LOVE to take a sledgehammer to the one in my house.

So, when I was weighed yesterday, I was very torn.  On one hand, I didn't want to know what the scale said (that was the smart part of me).  On the other (slightly cracked) hand, there was this nagging need to know.

Because it's all about the number, right?

Numbers are everywhere:

24 hours in a day
52 weeks in a year
3.1 miles in a 5k (see, two numbers in that one)

I get all wrapped up in the number that the scale says, because society says that if you weight a certain amount, then you are acceptable.  And, of course, my number is over that right now.  I am about 5'1", and I weigh in at around 134lbs. Which, if you calculate my BMI, that makes me "overweight." Normal BMI is 18.5-24.9.  Mine is 25.32.  Now, I understand that I have out on a lot of muscle in the last six or so months.  I also know that muscle weights more than fat, but still. . .

But then today I was trolling aroung on FB (go figure), and I saw this:

Why Your Scale Can't Be Trusted

While I'm not a fan of the suggested fat measurement methods, I love what the author has to say about the two very fit and healthy fitness models being about 10 pounds over what everyone perceives them to be.  I know that it makes no sense, but it makes me feel a bit better. It makes me realize that the scale lies, but the mirror doesn't.  The way I feel doesn't lie, either.

And I feel strong. :)

Today's Workout

Hanging Leg Raises*
4 sets - 25 reps
Sit Ups*
4 sets - 25 reps

Standing Barbell Curls with light bar*
Set 1 - 20 reps @ bar + 10lbs
Set 2 - 20 reps @ bar + 10lbs
Set 3 - 20 reps @ bar + 20lbs
Set 4 - 20 reps @ bar + 20lbs

Cable Tricep Pressdowns*
Set 1 - 20 reps @ 50lbs
Set 2 - 20 reps @ 50lbs
Set 3 - 20 reps @ 60lbs
Set 4 - 20 reps @ 60lbs

Hammer Curls Across the Body*
Set 1 - 12 reps @ 10lb DB
Set 2 - 12 reps @ 15lb DB
Set 3 - 12 reps @ 20lb DB

Tricep Dips*
3 sets to failure

Rope Tricep Pressdowns*
3 sets - 20 reps @ 40lbs

Cable Machine Bicep Curls*
3 sets - 20 reps @ 40lbs

Behind the Neck Rope Tricep Extensions*
3 sets - 20 reps @ 40lbs

Standing Barbell Shoulder Press with Light Bar
5 sets - 20 reps with bar only

Standing DB Presses & Lateral Raises (back to back - no rest)
3 sets - 10, 8, 6, 4 reps each @ 8 lb DB (which by this point felt like 100lbs)


Thursday, January 17, 2013

My Workout Buddy <3

I know that a lot of people have a workout buddy.  The idea being that you have someone to hold you accountable to your workout.  Someone to keep you focused on your goal (whatever it might be).  However, nobody has a workout buddy like mine.  And no, you can't have her.  She's mine, and I don't share.

I have known her for several years as we have kids the same age.  Her daughter has been my son's "girlfriend" since they were in their little bouncy seats.  They are now in kindergarten.  Her son has been my other son's best friend since preschool.  Honestly, she is my closest friend.  She was there when I decided to get up off my ever-widening rear and make a change.  She watched me muddle through learning how to cook all over again (I'm a self proclaimed food snob), and learn how to make fitness an everyday lifestyle.  So, she knows where I've been, and she knows what my goals are.

A few months ago, she started working out with me.  Even though her goals are a bit different than mine, she hangs with me through every workout - rep for rep.  She pushes herself, which pushes me.  She also helps to keep it fun.  I know that there are a lot of people that think that there is no place in the gym for laughter, but they've never watched our trainer's ears turn six shades of red from the wisecracks we make. There are some workouts that I'm not sure I could make it through if it weren't for that. She brags about me all the time to our mutual friends, which really she is the one that deserves so much credit.  She stopped smoking (which is probably the hardest thing ever).  She ran a half marathon.  She committed to getting herself healthy.  All this while helping her husband run their business.  Oh yeah, and take care of two kids.

She's amazing. I'm so proud of her.

Today's Workout


Incline Leg Press 
Set 1 - 35 reps @ 90lb
Set 2 - 30 reps @ 140lb
Set 3 - 25 reps @ 180lb
Set 4 - 20 reps @ 250lb

Weighted Walking DB Lunges
Set 1 - 20 reps @ 15lb DB
Set 2 - 20 reps @ 25lb DB
Set 3 - 20 reps @ 35lb DB (whew!!!)

Wall Squats with Stability Ball 
No Weight - "Ass to Grass" as my trainer calls them :)
3 Sets @ 15 reps

Lying Leg Curls*
3 Sets - 20 reps @ 20lb

Seated Leg Curls*
3 Sets - 20 reps @ 65lb

Standing Leg Lifts
3 Sets - 20 reps no weight on machine

Leg Extensions
7 Sets - 20 reps @ 65lb

So, yes. Tomorrow I may have a little hitch in my giddy-up. ;)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Chest day :)

I really have begun to like chest day.  I used to hate it.  Probably because I felt like it was my weakest body part.  I mean, I used to struggle to do 10 "girly" pushups.  I was always under the assumption that I just didn't have enough upper body strength to do them in full plank.  Boy, was I wrong. :)

I really like chest day now.  My favorite is flies - any kind of flies.  I really like working the upper pecs, maybe because they are what really stands out in a womans' physique.  I don't know.  I just know that I feel very strong while I'm doing them.

Plus, I can now get in 25-30 good full plank pushups in a set.  So, now the goal is to make it all the way to 50 in a set.  No more "girly" pushups here anymore.

Workout 1/16/13

1 hr ZUMBA (Taught my regular class this morning)

Incling DB Press
Set 1 - 20 reps @ 10lb
Set 2 - 20 reps @ 20lb
Set 3 - 15 reps @ 30lb
Set 4 - 15 reps @ 30lb

Machine Flys*
Set 1 - 15 reps @ 50lb
Set 2 - 15 reps @ 50lb
Set 3 - 15 reps @ 50lb

Set 1 - reps to failure
Set 2 - reps to failure
Set 3 - reps to failure

Machine Bench Press
Set 1 - 12 reps @ 80lb
Set 2 - 12 reps @ 80lb
Set 3 - 12 reps @ 80lb

Cable Flies
Set 1 - 20 reps @ 30lb
Set 2 - 20 reps @ 30lb
Set 3 - 20 reps @ 30lb
Set 4 - 20 reps @ 30lb
Set 5 - 20 reps @ 30lb
Set 6 - 20 reps @ 30lb
Set 7 - 20 reps @ 30lb

Stability Ball Crunches*
4 sets of 25

Leg Lifts*
4 sets of 25


Tuesday, January 15, 2013


As I sat down to log in the workout for today, I got an email from ISSA that I passed the personal trainers certification test.  WooHoo!!!! I am so happy!! Not only did I pass, but I made an 88 - which makes me even HAPPIER!!  I cannot wait to start training. I am so excited!!

Okay, happy dance is done. :)

Today's workout was all about the back, which is has been kind of an issue for me.  Not because I can't do the weight, but because my grip really sucks.  There's really not a better way to explain it.  So, I got a pair of lifting hooks, and today has been the first really serious back workout that I have done with them.  It really made a difference!! I (and when I say "I," I really mean my trainer) was able to really put some heavier weight on the machines and the bar.  I am very pleased with what I did today.  So, all in all, I am a happy girl. :)

Today's Workout (Back)

Stairclimber Intervals - 20 min

Assisted Pullups - alternating grip between neutral and wide grip
4 sets to failure @ 110lb assistance

Seated Cable Rows
Set 1 - 20 reps @ 50lbs
Set 2 - 20 reps @ 70lbs
Set 3 - 20 reps @ 100lbs

Barbell Underhand Rows*
Set 1 - 12 reps @ 45lbs
Set 2 - 12 reps @ 65lbs
Set 3 - 12 reps @ 75lbs

Cable Pulldowns - Wide Grip*
Set 1 - reps to failure @ 50lbs
Set 2 - reps to failure @ 70lbs
Set 3 - reps to failure @ 70lbs

Straight Arm Cable Pulldowns
Set 1 - 15 reps @ 50lbs
Set 2 - 15 reps @ 50lbs
Set 3 - 15 reps @ 50lbs
Set 4 - 15 reps @ 50lbs
Set 5 - 15 reps @ 50lbs
Set 6 - 15 reps @ 50lbs
Set 7 - 15 reps @ 50lbs


Monday, January 14, 2013

I'm going to do. . .WHAT?!?

So, honestly, this idea been rolling around in my head since last Spring. I got the idea that I might like to try to compete in a Figure competition.  I know, I know - I'm crazy, right?  Well, we all knew that before.  This just kind of proves it.  Again.

All that being said, here I go.  I've been working with a trainer since August with the intention of competing this year  - maybe May or June.  So, January 1 was my actual start date of the training/nutrition program. 

I am creating this blog as a kind of accountability tool for myself.  I am going to post on my FB page for anyone who want to go along with me on this crazy journey.  The plan is to post my workouts that I've done for the day as well as my food log.  Of course, as I get closer to competition, I'll probably post some pictures to track my progress.  In fact, I will post some pictures so I will know where I am starting from later on.  Please be patient with me, as this is a work in progress.  I'm very new to blogging, probably I'll be playing with layout, colors, and things like that.  Be patient.  I'll get it worked out.  Maybe.

Most importantly, I want to use this as a place to put in to words what I am feeling, too.  Because this is going to be a mental challenge for me, too.  I know that I am not the only person to attempt to do this, but this is MY first time.  I've got no clue about what I'm doing, and in my world, that's scary.  I'm way out of my comfort zone - physically and mentally.  I'm already second guessing myself at times.  I mean, really, I've got a husband, four kids, and I'm not young and cute anymore.  Am I really going to have the courage to wear one of those suits?!? I know I'm fighting an uphill battle, however, I'm willing to fight.

It's not going to be easy, but if it was easy it wouldn't be worth it.  If I wasn't scared, it wouldn't be worth it.

Watch me go. . .